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Payments in euro

Payments in EUR (to European Economic Area countries)

Currency: EUR
Type of commission: SHA (client pays PNB Banka’s commission only)
Beneficiary’s account must be in IBAN. If the payment is missing any of the details, the intermediary and beneficiary banks have the rights to charge an additional commission.
European Economics Area countries: Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein and 28 countries of EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Greece, Estonia, Ireland, Italy, Croatia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, Spain, Hungary, Germany, Sweden.


Service Charges
Standard payment
Execution time: on submission day (T),
if a payment order was submitted before 13:00 (Latvian time),
or on the next business day (T+1),
if a payment order was submitted after 13:00 (Latvian time)
− InternetBanka system EUR 0.36
− customer service center EUR 2.50
Express payment (is executed out of turn)
Payment order submission time: before 16:00 (Latvian time)
Execution time: on the day when payment order is submitted to the bank (T)
− InternetBanka system EUR 14.00
− customer service center EUR 18.00


Payments in EUR (outside European Economic Area countries)

Type of transfer the commission is paid by the recipient (SHA) 1 the commission is paid by the payer (OUR) 1
Standard payment
Payment order submission time: before 18:00 (Latvian time)
Execution time: the next business day (Т+1)
− InternetBanka system EUR 12.00 EUR 21.00
− customer service center EUR 13.00 EUR 22.00
Urgent payment
Payment order submission time: before 12:00 (Latvian time)
Execution time: on submission day (Т)
− InternetBanka system EUR 16.00 EUR 26.00
− customer service center EUR 17.00 EUR 27.00
Express payment (is executed out of turn)
Payment order submission time: before 16:00 (Latvian time)
Execution time: on submission day (Т)
− InternetBanka system EUR 22.00 EUR 35.00
− customer service center EUR 23.00 EUR 36.00

1 Intermediary bank and beneficiary bank have the right to apply additional commission. The additional commission is deducted from the payment amount if the commission is paid by the beneficiary (SHA) or at the request of the intermediary bank and the beneficiary bank from the customer's account, if the commission is paid by the payer (OUR)


Additional services

Service Charges
1. Cancellation, change of details or search of payment in EUR within Eurozone 10 EUR
2. Cancellation, change of details or search of payment in foreign currencies to another bank in Latvia 15 EUR + actual expenses
3. Cancellation, change of details or search of payment in a foreign currency to a bank overseas or cancellation, change of details or search of
a transfer in the EUR currency outside the Eurozone
40 EUR + actual expenses
4. Cancellation, change of details or search of payment in the CIS currency 20 EUR + actual expenses
5. Entering funds, which are not designated for clients' payments to the correspondent accounts of PNB Banka 15 EUR
6. Paying back the incoming payment 20 EUR + actual expenses
7. Non-standard investigation of a payment within the bank 15 EUR + actual expenses
8. Finding details of an incoming payment (payment is withdrawn from the client's account at the moment of entering funds on the client's account) 15 EUR + actual expenses
9. Commission fee for verification of a payment compliance risk
The fee is charged for the unplanned due diligence investigation of payers/receivers of incoming/outgoing transfers, in particular, for preparation
and processing of information upon request of a party to the process of execution of the transfer: a correspondent bank, a receiving bank
or an intermediary bank.
50 EUR